Projects | Node.js, Tailwind CSS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB, GoDaddy | Simar.Live - Building REST APIs and Creating/Deploying my Website
Simarpreet Singh
Building Simar.Live was a real project that took a lot of time and effort. In the end, I am so proud to have done it all myself from start to finish with the help of the internet and the amazing programming languages, databases, and services like Node.js, Tailwind CSS, AWS, and MongoDB
The Purpose
After learning how to create and host websites in my localhost with the help of Node.js I thought it was about time I create my own personal website. Building this website took a lot of time and effort as I wasn't always a great web designer. However, with the help of Tailwind CSS and the internet, I think I put out a pretty good display of what I can do given time. After learning so much and showing off my skills I have even gotten a few opportunities to do freelance web development work for local companies!
The Breakdown
Now I'm going to break down the real meat and potatoes of what exactly I learned and built upon this website beyond just the design and styling of the front end.
The Project and Blog Page Functionality
With the Project and Blog pages, I got the opportunity to really build out some cool backend applications. As mentioned a lot throughout my website, I love MongoDB so it's no surprise that this was the database service I used for my backend databases. Super easy to connect up and use for smaller, multipurpose applications, MongoDB is what stores all my Project and Blog posts. Here's an in-depth look:
- A blog and project admin/editor page where I can go in and create new projects or blogs and save them.
- Creation JS files that make all the GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE calls to communicate with my backend databases for both Projects and Articles
- Using Tailwind Typography to add Markdown
Domain acquisition with GoDaddy
Finding the domain was as easy as going on to GoDaddy and changing the nameserver settings to make sure it is consistent with the Amazon Web Services configurations.
Deploying via Amazon Web Services
With the help of AWS S3 buckets to get my files into the EC2 instance, I was able to get my site up and running on a public IP Address. After doing this, I went through the process of getting the proper SSL certificates for my website to be distributed and put up with AWS Cloudfront Distribution. This was just a brief rundown of all that it took to host Simar.Live, however, if you'd like to learn more or even put your own website up please do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with me here!